You are staying in a beautiful apartment, an All inclusive hotel, and all is very nice and good. But how amazing would it be to do something different aswell?? Some live music, local dance, great cocktails and maybe even most important Delicious food and a great Atmosphere. We have some different options for you and we are sure you will love them. Book your table with us and we will arrange that you gonna have a great night out.


Private barbeque on the beach

Enjoy with your love once during a private bbq on the beach. A 3 course menu, drinks included, a Sunset with a glass of Champagne and a photographer who will make pictures during the whole evening (Pictures are included). Just feel no stress and enjoy the food prepared by a local Chef and drink a cocktail while watching the sea or sitting around the table with some candle lights.

Food: 3 course menu, apperitive, Chicken, Fish, Hamburgers, Sausages, Rice, Salad, but also a vegetarian option is possible,
Drinks: Rum, Grogue, Ponche, Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Water, White wine, Beer.

All included:
€220,00 per Couple
Riu Touareg €260,00 per couple


Diner at Churrasqueira Sal Rei

Support the locals and have lunch or diner at this amazing place. Play snooker, Enjoy the view, eat a delicious meal, drink an amazing cocktail and enjoy this local restaurant. Now you are still choosing from the menu, but soon we will have amazing packages to choose aswell.

Price: You pay what you eat and drink + Taxi costs.

Cape Verdian BBQ on the beach

All you can eat from a buffet with a lot of choices, a free sangria as aperitive, live music, local dance and a bonfire. An evening different from all others, but an amazing one! This is the diner you can’t miss during your stay in Boa Vista.

Transfer, 1 Sangria each, All you can eat, Live Music, Dance and a Bonfire included
Every Tuesday and Friday night 

Cape Verdean BBQ


€45,00 each (Riu Touareg €55,00)
€20,00 for children between 8-11 years old.

Romantic Diner at the beach

Enjoy a Romantic evening out, with a delicous 3-course menu on the beach. While the live band is playing, you can enjoy your meal, your drinks and ofcourse your company.

Transfer, 1 aperitive, 3 course menu (also lobster), live music, dance, a bonfire included.

Every Thursday 


€49,00 each (Riu Touareg €59,00)

Romantisch diner Boa Vista


Cape Verdean  Diner at Perola Chaves

Every Saturday available

Lobster Menu: €40,00 each 

Included 1 cocktail and transfer

Sushi Menu: 35,00 each

Included 1 Cocktail and transfer.
Nigiri (Salmon), Hot Roll (Prawns), Ura Maki (Octopus)

Cocktail Menu: €35,00 each 

Included 2 Cocktails, a plate of Fingerfood (Sushi, Prawns, Union rings and more) and Transfer.

Perola Menu: €35,00 each

  • Fish menu (Prawns, Octopus, Tuna) + 1 Cocktail and transfer
  • Meat menu (Beef, Pork tenderloin and Chicken) + 1 Cocktail and Transfer.